
I was asked: “if staying hopeful, is what you call an incoming disappointment and what makes your heart feel heavy, then why are you still holding onto it? I was caught off guard, overwhelmed, and couldn’t reply immediately as it made me realize I’ve been always holding onto false hopes, but that never stopped me […]

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From The Wind to The Sea

Dear Sea, You have been swaying your waves so beautifully, that I couldn’t bring myself to compliment about. Sea, sometimes your waves drowns me and other times, comforts me. I’ve been keeping track on how you carry yourself when storms hit, still swaying, slowly and rhythmically back and forth. I love how you show your […]

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The Hidden

Chapter 1 (The Beginning of new born child) No word could explain how the other world of the reality was. The only two words I can say right now to fit this other world situation are tragedy and unique. Having the strength of hope or desire to know something beyond reality isn’t something that everybody has. […]

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It Won’t Be Forever.

No wound remains forever, but the pain stays and be reminded later. Yes, it may seem insane, that how can you feel the pain which is gone all over again. And no, you don’t feel it on your skin, but you feel it in your heart, over and over, unless you fight it and erase […]

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No man has ever wished to be drowned alive with his dreams on his shoulders. No man has ever been scared but of himself. No man has ever thought about what might happen to him in beyond. The moment you feel that you’ve been shut down from reality, is the moment where you will be […]

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Ever had a feeling where you are standing on a part of the earth, where wanting to survive in this world is no longer a choice. It’s either you fight for the things you want to, or sacrifice yourself for the people you care about? It is like you are surrounded with dark gloomy fogs, […]

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Work Harder

You have to pop so many bubbles to make a perfect bubble gum. Just because you aim it and then fail at it, it does not mean you can’t aim. You have to aim it carefully without any rush and look for the root of your aim. And the reason of why you’ve failed, is because […]

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How can I appreciate the dead, when he/she never appreciated the living? Once the living doesn’t appreciate another living, the living won’t appreciate when that living is dead. Appreciate them when their lungs are full of fresh air, not when its full of dirt.

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People are like stars. Some are big, small or even very tiny. Some shine and some don’t. We are only noticeable when we shine. Doesn’t matter how small, tall, short, fat, and skinny you are. But as we are the stars, some people are like the moon. They need to be surrounded around right people, in order to shine. […]

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Humanity of Love

Yes, I risked myself to safe two souls. Two young souls. Why would I let you and the kid die, when I know there’s a chance to help and get you both out safely from fire? it was a huge risk, but that doesn’t give you a reason to love me. That’s not even a […]

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